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Aiken's Photography Website

Portrait portfolio

After experimenting a few months with all types of photography, I can know convincingly say that portrait photography is my favorite type of photography. I like all the aspects of it. Since I'm into fashion, fashion and portrait can both be incorporated into the same style. I also love working with people. I thrive when it's a team work rather than an individual one. Having done a lot of portrait in the last few months, I feel I have built myself I pretty good portfolio that reflects my styke and my work. I love shooting in natural light. Studio light and artificial light is something I enjoy as well, but I feel my strenghts come out when I perform outside with the sun. I also love shooting outdoor settings such as the city, roads, parks, etc. A lot of my style stems from the way I edit the pictures as well. I love colorful saturated pictures and warm tones specifically. Here's a sample are some of my most recent work.

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